2002 - present : curd duca lebt in wien (sommer) und in arambol, goa (winter). lives in vienna / austria and in india.
dort macht er improvisierte musik für meditative live abende (be_in´s).
in india, he curates and participates in a weekly improvised live music and dance event called white night.
in wien arbeitet er zurückgezogen an seinen texten und an der neuen "waves"-serie, einer fortsetzung seiner
"easy listening"- und "elevator"- serien (electronic mood music), einer reihe von psycho-analytischen projekt_alben (begonnen im jahr 1992).
in vienna, he works on his poetry and a new series of albums called "waves".

history / background :
1993 - 2001 : curd duca lebt in wien (sommer) und in miami (winter). he lives in vienna, austria and in the US. dort produziert er seine CDs
und macht fallweise musik fuer low-budget-filme und MTV latino. In miami, he produces easy listening techno and electronic muzak for films and video.
in europe, he plays "laptop concerts" and makes music for art events, film and video ...
1982 - 1991 : he played in experimental groups auch wenn es seltsam kingen mag / even though it may sound strange and 8 ODER 9, and the rock band skin.
1991 - 2001 : he has been working mainly on solo projects with electronic instruments (analog and digital synthesizers, computer).
from 1989, he has been involved with the "school of poetry" (sfd.at) as a teacher and lecturer for sound poetry (vienna and jakarta).

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solo concerts : vienna (rhiz, flex), berlin (volksbühne / red salon), munich (ultraschall), zürich (rote fabrik), london (sprawl), barcelona (sónar),
new york (ACNY), miami (MLP), paris (batofar), luxembourg (mudam), musiktage donaueschingen, et al.
music for films: "flaming ears" (h. scheirl, u. pürrer, d. schipek, 1990 in new york), the subversion agency (mark boswell, 2004), videos by ingeborg strobl, et al.
music for exhibitions: telepolis luxembourg 1995), installation hedy lamarr (ars electronica 1998), "dark matter" by eva grubinger ("baltic", gateshaed, GB 2003).
works for kunstradio / orf art radio: voices / cut-up hitler (1998), "net/language" (1999, with armin medosch).
music videos : moon bossa, bax, sin world, psychoswing (all with mark boswell and ben wolcott), dream (by einar)
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reviews : de-bug, Spex (Berlin), Die Zeit (Hamburg), skug, Der Standard (Vienna), The Wire (London), actuel, nova (F), Spin, CMJ, Grooves (USA),
Zürcher Tagesanzeiger (CH), Wired (Japan), et al.
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